

Wagner AG,
Metalldruckguss, Thermoplastspritzguss und Werkzeugbau
Urnäscherstrasse 22
9104 Waldstatt / AR

+ 41 71 354 8181


Wagner Automotiv d.o.o.
Sarajevska 62
76250 Gradacac
Bosnia und Herzegovina

+ 387 35 816 737


Jedes Jahr zu Ostern...

Skifahren, Snowboarden, Wandern und Hütten-Spass.

As a boosting start into an exciting 2024, we would be happy about your visit. You can find us in Hall 7 at Stand 7-537.

Wagner AG in Waldstatt is located in the middle of the Appenzellerland. This is where on New Year's Eve, the “Chläuse” go around.


A key aspect of a successful, long-term oriented collaboration is the consequent development of the capabilities and the quality.

Wir freuen uns über den erfolgreichen Lehrabschluss von Valentina Dokmic (Kauffrau EFZ) und gratulieren ihr herzlich.

Auch 2023 gab es ein wunderbares Wagner-Sommerfest.

Im Rahmen der diesjährigen Hauptversammlung der Industrie- und Handelskammer St. Gallen und Appenzell IHK durften wir die Wagner AG als innovativen und exportorientierten Industriebetrieb präsentieren.

Wagner AG and Electroprecizia SA Announce Creation of Electroprecizia Wagner Casting SA, a Joint Venture for Die Casted and Machined Aluminum Components

Unsere höchsten Grilleure, Silvan, Hubert und Christoph haben für die gesamte Belegschaft grilliert.

In dark times humanity and hope are needed.

Unsere Lernenden haben zusammen mobile, repräsentative Ausstellungsflächen für unsere Sitzungszimmer geplant, gestaltet und hergestellt.

Wir gratulieren unseren Lehrabgängern 2022.

Bei Spiel, Spass und Federvieh konnten wir mit unseren Mitarbeitern ein wunderbares Sommerfest geniessen.

Wir waren dabei!

Wir freuen uns auf gute Gespräche und Ihren Besuch.


Euroguss Nürnberg, Stand 9-335

Ohne wenn und aber findet die Euroguss vom 8. – 10. Juni in Nürnberg statt.


Wagner freut sich über die neue Automation der Doppelspindel-Fräsmaschine!

Wagner hat das kürzlich durchgeführte Aufrechterhaltungsaudit der Automobilnorm IATF16949 und der Umweltnorm ISO14001 ohne Abweichungen bestanden.

The latest investment into the future just arrived in our injection molding department.

Wagner wünscht Euch einen erfolgreichen Start ins Neue Jahr.

Wagner wünscht erholsame Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch!

The Euroguss trade fair in Nuremberg will be postponed to June 8th to 10th, 2022.

Starten Sie das Neue Jahr mit einem Besuch am Stand der Wagner AG an der Euroguss 2022 in Nürnberg.

Gestern war auch bei Wagner Zukunftstag.

Wagner gets another melting furnace. This enables us to increase the variety of materials including high-end alloys while improving the throughput and energy efficiency at the same time.

Wir begrüssen in diesem Jahr 6 Lernende aus 4 Berufen.

The e-bike market is growing rapidly. Wagner is also active in this promising segment and supplies various lightweight components to the Munich-based e-bike drive manufacturer FAZUA.

Wir gratulieren Mirnes Mujkanovic (Gussformer EFZ), Aaron Holthuis (Kaufmann EFZ) und Yuel Tesfay (Logistiker EBA) zur bestandenen Lehrabschlussprüfung! (v.l.n.r.)

The continuous improvement of our engineering competencies is key for the development of innovative solutions. Wagner Group is now able to simulate the connection and interaction between metal and thermoplastic polymers.

Wagner commissioned in March 2021 yet another CNC race-horse by SW.

Watch the delivery of the system in a short time lapse.


Wagner Group has been constantly developing its technological base and capacity in CNC machining over the past years. Today, 16 fully automated CNC machines are installed only at the production location in Waldstatt, Switzerland. In order to extend the capacity for different newly acquired projects, Wagner has commissioned a new CNC machine in...

Up to 50% weight- and cost-reduction with electromagnetic-shielding hybrid- and plastic housings.

Wagner has successfully installed a new production line for hybrid solutions. The metal-plastic hybrid is a key component of a mild-hybrid system finding its application in the cars produced by a well-known German automotive OEM. For this strategic project, Wagner has co-developed and invested into a highly efficient and innovative automation...

Wagner is convincing its customers over and over again with its broad technology and engineering solution competence. Wagner was nominated over the past three years for different key projects to develop and produce solutions for the future-oriented electro-mobility. These solutions are applied by several key OEMs for example in the high-voltage...

Wir gratulieren unseren Lehrabgängern.

In Q1 2020, Wagner was awarded with three large automotive projects in the project amount of more than EUR 40 million. The projects will serve mild-hybrid and autonomous driving applications and are a result of Wagner’s long-term oriented technology and growth strategy. Wagner has been able to build up a very competitive market position in these...

WAGNER will be present at Euroguss 2020, Europe’s biggest trade fair for die casting, taking place from January 14-16 in Nuremberg, Germany.
Let yourself be inspired with our newest multi-material hybrid solutions offering significant weight- and cost optimization opportunities.

We are looking forward to your visit!

We will be presenting our latest innovations around multi-material lightweight solutions in a keynote speech at the LIGHTer Conference 2019 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Cost-effective light-weight solutions are highly in demand, especially in the automotive industry, which is currently under pressure to reduce emissions and cut costs due to the very...

Newly designed automation cell up and running allowing highly efficient, flexible and process stable de-burring / basic machining processes of larger aluminum die casting parts.


Another successful automation concept integrated by the Wagner team.


Nicht nur im Betrieb ein starkes Team!

Wagner has been awarded by Intertek with the Workplace Conditions Achievement Award.

Innovation @ Wagner supported by young talent

We are present at FAKUMA!

We welcome five new apprentices

26 highly motivated runners in St. Gallen.

Since April 2018, Wagner is also certified in accordance to the new, stricter automotive standard IATF 16949: 2016. This quality certificate allows Wagner to be a direct supplier to the automotive industry. In addition, Wagner is certified according to the quality guidelines ISO 9001: 2015 and the environmental guidelines ISO14001: 2015.

Am 5. Mai hat die Wagner AG Türen und Tore geöffnet für die Nachbarschaft und die Verwandtschaft der Mitarbeiter.

Erleben Sie eine hochmoderne, integrierte Fertigung wo aus Aluminium, Zink und Kunststoffen werkstoffoptimierte Lösungen für die Automobilindustrie und den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau entstehen.

Bei tollen Schneeverhältnissen konnten unsere Mitarbeiter einen sonnigen Tag im Schnee geniessen.

We are happy to present you our solutions based on the core competences assembly groups, injection molding, die casting and hybrids.

We deeply regret to inform you that Beat Halter, long-term Shareholder and Board Member of Wagner AG has deceased on September 3rd 2017.

Wagner will be supported with innovation funds in its ongoing research and development work regarding hybrid solutions by the Federal Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI).

Anlässlich einer Landsitzung des Regierungsrates von Appenzell Ausserrhoden mit dem Gemeinderat Waldstatt vom 4. April durfte die Wagner AG eine Delegation beider Räte am Standort Waldstatt begrüssen.